Kilogram Conversion Calculator

Enter a value in kilograms below to convert to another unit of weight.


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Do you want to convert kilograms to pounds or kilograms to liters?

What Is a Kilogram?

A kilogram is a unit used to measure weight.

The kilogram, or kilogramme, is the SI base unit for weight and is also a multiple of the gram. In the metric system, "kilo" is the prefix for thousands, or 103. Kilograms can be abbreviated as kg; for example, 1 kilogram can be written as 1 kg.

Background and Origin

Originally, the kilogram was defined in 1793 as the mass equal to one cubic decimeter of water and was adopted by France as the base unit of mass.

It was later adopted for use internationally, but in 1889 it was redefined as the mass equal to that of a platinum-iridium bar called the International Prototype Kilogram. For a period of time, the kilogram was the only unit in the international system of measures that is defined using a physical artifact.

In 2019 the kilgoram was redefined again using the Planck constant, meters, and seconds, removing the dependence on a physical artifact for the definition.

How Much Is a Kilogram?

One kilogram is equal to 1,000 grams, 2.204623 pounds, or 1/1,000 of a metric ton.

The formal definition of the kilogram changed in 2019. One kilogram was previously equal to the mass of the platinum-iridium bar, known as the International Prototype of the Kilogram, which was stored in Sèvres, France.

The 2019 SI brochure now defines the kilogram using the Planck constant, and it is defined using the meter and second.[1] It is equal to the mass of 1,000 cubic centimeters, or milliliters, of water.

How to Convert Kilograms

To convert kilograms to another unit of weight, you need to multiply the value by a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a numerical value used to change the units of a measurement without changing the value.[2]

You can find the conversion factors for kilograms in the conversion table below.

Then, multiply the weight measurement by the conversion factor to find the equivalent value in the desired unit of measurement.

kilograms × conversion factor = result

You can also use a calculator, such as one of the converters below, for the conversion.

Kilogram Conversion Table

Common kilogram values and equivalent imperial and metric weight measurements
kilograms tons pounds ounces metric tons grams milligrams calories stones long tons carats
1 kg 0.001102 t 2.204623 lb 35.273962 oz 0.001 t 1,000 g 1,000,000 mg 7,716 kcal 0.157473 st 0.000984 lt 5,000 ct
2 kg 0.002205 t 4.409245 lb 70.547924 oz 0.002 t 2,000 g 2,000,000 mg 15,432 kcal 0.314946 st 0.001968 lt 10,000 ct
3 kg 0.003307 t 6.613868 lb 105.821886 oz 0.003 t 3,000 g 3,000,000 mg 23,149 kcal 0.472419 st 0.002953 lt 15,000 ct
4 kg 0.004409 t 8.81849 lb 141.095848 oz 0.004 t 4,000 g 4,000,000 mg 30,865 kcal 0.629892 st 0.003937 lt 20,000 ct
5 kg 0.005512 t 11.023113 lb 176.36981 oz 0.005 t 5,000 g 5,000,000 mg 38,581 kcal 0.787365 st 0.004921 lt 25,000 ct
6 kg 0.006614 t 13.227736 lb 211.643772 oz 0.006 t 6,000 g 6,000,000 mg 46,297 kcal 0.944838 st 0.005905 lt 30,000 ct
7 kg 0.007716 t 15.432358 lb 246.917734 oz 0.007 t 7,000 g 7,000,000 mg 54,013 kcal 1.102311 st 0.006889 lt 35,000 ct
8 kg 0.008818 t 17.636981 lb 282.191696 oz 0.008 t 8,000 g 8,000,000 mg 61,729 kcal 1.259784 st 0.007874 lt 40,000 ct
9 kg 0.009921 t 19.841604 lb 317.465658 oz 0.009 t 9,000 g 9,000,000 mg 69,446 kcal 1.417257 st 0.008858 lt 45,000 ct
10 kg 0.011023 t 22.046226 lb 352.739619 oz 0.01 t 10,000 g 10,000,000 mg 77,162 kcal 1.57473 st 0.009842 lt 50,000 ct
11 kg 0.012125 t 24.250849 lb 388.013581 oz 0.011 t 11,000 g 11,000,000 mg 84,878 kcal 1.732203 st 0.010826 lt 55,000 ct
12 kg 0.013228 t 26.455471 lb 423.287543 oz 0.012 t 12,000 g 12,000,000 mg 92,594 kcal 1.889677 st 0.01181 lt 60,000 ct
13 kg 0.01433 t 28.660094 lb 458.561505 oz 0.013 t 13,000 g 13,000,000 mg 100,310 kcal 2.04715 st 0.012795 lt 65,000 ct
14 kg 0.015432 t 30.864717 lb 493.835467 oz 0.014 t 14,000 g 14,000,000 mg 108,027 kcal 2.204623 st 0.013779 lt 70,000 ct
15 kg 0.016535 t 33.069339 lb 529.109429 oz 0.015 t 15,000 g 15,000,000 mg 115,743 kcal 2.362096 st 0.014763 lt 75,000 ct
16 kg 0.017637 t 35.273962 lb 564.383391 oz 0.016 t 16,000 g 16,000,000 mg 123,459 kcal 2.519569 st 0.015747 lt 80,000 ct
17 kg 0.018739 t 37.478585 lb 599.657353 oz 0.017 t 17,000 g 17,000,000 mg 131,175 kcal 2.677042 st 0.016732 lt 85,000 ct
18 kg 0.019842 t 39.683207 lb 634.931315 oz 0.018 t 18,000 g 18,000,000 mg 138,891 kcal 2.834515 st 0.017716 lt 90,000 ct
19 kg 0.020944 t 41.88783 lb 670.205277 oz 0.019 t 19,000 g 19,000,000 mg 146,607 kcal 2.991988 st 0.0187 lt 95,000 ct
20 kg 0.022046 t 44.092452 lb 705.479239 oz 0.02 t 20,000 g 20,000,000 mg 154,324 kcal 3.149461 st 0.019684 lt 100,000 ct

Kilogram Conversion Calculators

You can also convert weight using one of our kilogram converters below.

US Customary & Imperial Units
SI Units
Body Weight
Other Units


  1. International Bureau of Weights and Measures, The International System of Units, 9th Edition, 2019,
  2. National Institute of Standards & Technology, Unit Conversion,

Other Weight Units

US Customary & Imperial Units
SI Units
Body Weight
Other Units